You Are the King!  is the story of a noble king who gets amnesia and becomes a beggar.  An allegory for the spiritual path, the story serves as a springboard for Amma’s teachings about our true nature, and how we should live so we may realize our own Divine Identity.  Told in rhyming verse and sprinkled with humor, the story is designed to be enjoyed by devotees of all ages.

Available online from

You Are the King!


“The Awakening of Wendy the Wave” tells the story of a beautiful young wave named Wendy, who lives on the surface of the ocean. Unfortunately, Wendy’s parents don’t believe in the ocean—they think the waves exist all by themselves! And when Wendy asks other waves about the meaning of life, she gets many confusing answers, none of which satisfy her heart. Finally she turns to prayer, and receives not just an answer......but a direct revelation of divine truth.


Currently available only at Amma's tour programs and Amma's ashram in Amritapuri, India. Soon to be available as an e-book, available online!

The Awakening of Wendy the Wave


This book tells the story of a small bird named Grace who meets Amma and becomes her devotee. When Grace’s egg gets stolen by the jealous ocean, Grace tries desperately to empty out the ocean, by dipping her body in the sea and shaking off the drops onto the sand! Luckily, the divine eagle, Garuda, is watching her plight from afar and eventually comes to her rescue. This 96-page book, full of beautiful paintings by Anavadya (Rebecca Menashe), also has a concluding section about pollution and global warming.

Currently available only at Amma's tour programs and Amma's ashram in Amritapuri, India. Soon to be available as an e-book, available online!

The Triumph of Amma´s Grace


Illustrated with 18 original paintings by Sukhanya McAuley and 8 photos of Amma, this book presents a delightful dialogue between a mother and her son about the nature of the Divine, covering ideas such as the infinite Love and compassion of God, the underlying unity of all religions, and the value of forgiveness.


Currently available only at Amma's tour programs and Amma's ashram in Amritapuri, India. Soon to be available as an e-book, available online!

God is Everywhere!


“SATHYARAM DISCOVERS THE MOTHER OF ALL” tells the story of  a spiritually-minded 14-year-old boy from New Delhi who moves to Houston, Texas, where he encounters intense hostility of many kinds from his fellow students—including a violent threat to his life. He then meets Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi Devi), the great saint from Kerala, whose grace transforms his life and sends him on a mind-blowing ride into the highest realms of Reality.


This book will appeal not only to devotees of Amma, but to all teens and young-at-heart adults who are interested in the higher questions of life. An unusually exciting and enjoyable approach to spirituality, this suspenseful story is guaranteed to make you laugh, bring tears to your eyes, and leave you with an expanded understanding of your true identity.


Available for $10 as a PDF through the author, payable through Paypal. All proceeds will go to Amma’s charities. Contact the author at




Ram Das Batchelder

PLEASE NOTE: If Amazon says, “Temporarily out of stock,” ORDER THE BOOK ANYWAY! The publisher is rushing more books to Amazon now, so it won’t be a long wait! Thank you!

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